Apache EU Roadshow CFP Closing Soon (23 February)
Sharan F
2018-02-14 15:18:36 UTC
Hello Everyone

This is an initial reminder to let you all know that we are holding an
Apache EU Roadshow co-located with FOSS Backstage in Berlin on 13^th and
14^th June 2018. https://s.apache.org/tCHx

The Call for Proposals (CFP) for the Apache EU Roadshow is currently
open and will close at the end of next week, so if you have been
delaying making a submission because the closing date seemed a long way
off, then it's time to start getting your proposals submitted.

So what are we looking for?
We will have 2 Apache Devrooms available during the 2 day Roadshow so
are looking for projects including incubating ones, to submit
presentations, panel discussions, BoFs, or workshop proposals. The main
focus of the Roadshow will be IoT, Cloud, Httpd and Tomcat so if your
project is involved in or around any of these technologies at Apache
then we are very interested in hearing from you.

Community and collaboration is important at Apache so if your project is
interested in organising a project sprint, meetup or hackathon during
the Roadshow, then please submit it inthe CFP as we do have some space
available to allocate for these.

If you are wanting to submit a talk on open source community related
topics such as the Apache Way, governance or legal aspects then please
submit these to the CFP for FOSS Backstage.

Tickets for the Apache EU Roadshow are included as part of the
registration for FOSS Backstage, so to attend the Roadshow you will need
to register for FOSS Backstage. Early Bird tickets are still available
until the 21^st February 2018.

Please see below for important URLs to remember:

-  To submit a CFP for the Apache EU Roadshow
:http://apachecon.com/euroadshow18/ <http://apachecon.com/euroadshow18/>

-  To submit a CFP for FOSS Backstage :

-  To register to attend the Apache EU Roadshow and/or FOSS Backstage :

For further updates and information about the Apache EU Roadshowplease
check http://apachecon.com/euroadshow18/

Sharan Foga, VP Apache Community Development
